I would like to thank all our great customers and now friends for choosing Coletta Sportfishing. Most days we had excellent fishing and other days we have had to work hard to find them. Unfortunately there are no guarantees in fishing, however we can guarantee we will give you the best opportunity with the best (and friendly) captain, mate, gear, and boat. In most cases we want you to catch fish more than you do and when the fish cooperate it is an absolute blast! That is the beauty of fishing in San Diego.
In August, we have had some epic days on tuna, mahi, yellowtail and more. Chasing Kelp Paddies can be rewarding if we find the fish. Some days the pay off was big, just see the photos below. While the fishing changes day to day, please ask me what I think is the best charter for you. We are on the water everyday and I can give you a pretty accurate report and forecast.
We still have dates available in September as well as throughout the Fall. We look forward to creating a sportfishing adventure with you.
Group From Sacramento Scores Big!
Captain Hale at the helm and first mate Mat on an offshore charter today. It was all you want tuna for todays anglers. They also had a fun fight with a marlin that came unbuttoned at the boat. They caught 26 Yellowdfin tuna and 1 Dorado for all their hard work.
Thanks Isaac for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure. Great job everyone on those fish.
Kelp Paddies Pay Off Big!
Captain Brian at the helm and first mate Hale on an offshore trip today. It was fun day fishing the kelps. They jumped from kelp to kelp all day. Some had lots of fish that wouldn’t bite and some had a few that would. When they weren’t watching fish swim past the boat we were catching them. They ended the day with 12 yellowtail, 5 dorado and 1 skipjack.
Thanks Andrew for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure.
Inshore Fishing With An Offshore Twist!
Captain Brian at the helm and first mate Mat on a ¾ Day local trip today. It was quality on our inshore trip today with a hint of offshore action. Rock fishing was a steady pick for a mix of bocaccio, reds, lingcod and a few others. They also found kelp close to home loaded with yellowtail and dorado but they were only able to get 1 dorado to bite. They caught 11 bocaccio, 9 rockfish (2 released), 5 lingcod(2 released), 1 cowcod released and 1 dorado.
Thanks Mari for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure. It was a pleasure working with you in setting the trip up for your family.
Biting The Heads Off Sardines Pays Off!
Captain Brian at the helm and first mate Hale back at it again on an offshore trip today. Its been said that biting the heads off sardines is good luck. Whether it increased their luck or not the anglers caught 15 Dorado and 2 yellowtail. Great work folks…..
Thanks Don for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure.
4 Pass – Wide Open Tuna Bite!
Captain Jon at the helm and first mate Hale back at it again. Yesterdays trip was extremely slow but todays trip was on fire. Every day is so different. We are either “Hero’s” or “Zero’s” in this game. Today it looks like Hero’s. It was total craziness for 2 hours catching tuna. They caught 20 yellowfin tuna, 9 skipjack and 1dorado.
Thanks William for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure.
All About Finding The Right Kelp!
Captain Brian at the helm and first mate Hale on an offshore trip today. Although they did not find the magic paddy they found a few quality ones. They went 4 for 10 on dorado today with our repeat anglers the “banana brothers”.
Thanks Jason for choosing Coletta Sport Fishing for your fishing adventure. You both have been fishing with us for years. Thanks for your loyalty and passion for what we all share and that is Sport Fishing.
If you know the dates you are looking to fish with us, please give me a call as we are booking up fast. The spring season is right around the corner and some of the best fishing of the year. You can also BOOK ONLINE.
Tight Lines,
Captain Chris
(858) 251-1026