Before we dive into this report, we would like to take a moment to Honor and Remember all those that sacrificed their lives for our freedom, not just on Memorial Day, but everyday.
We also want to thank all our clients whom fished with us this past month. We created some amazing memories with our repeat clients as well as fresh new faces. Some days have been incredible with plenty of fish to take home for the weekend cookout.
Our San Diego summer fishing season is ramping up on the heels of an amazing spring bite. Each day is a new adventure with some incredible Red Vermillions caught daily as we march into June. Here at Coletta Sportfishing, we pride ourselves on delivering the San Diego fishing experience of a lifetime, especially to families that include children and junior anglers, as you’ll see aplenty in our reports below!
Our fleet is tailor-made to deliver an experience that your family can enjoy for years and years. As you can see below, the family that fishes together, stays together. We we also love to host business teams, bachrelor parites or just a group of old friends getting together to sample our world-famous San Diego fishery.
Check out some of our daily reports and photos from the month:
Nice morning on the water for a local group from So Cal. Rougher conditions for the group but they stayed with it and ended up with a nice bag of fish. Great work everyone.
Thanks, Seema for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
This fun group from FL got to experience some of what fishing in San Diego is about. Great work everyone!
Thanks, Gifford for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
This group from Wisconsin were champs today with the tough fishing we were dealt. They managed to squeeze out some solid fish towards the end to cap it off.
Thanks, Kim for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
Nice morning on the water for a group from Texas. The bite started out ok then the younger one got sick came in early and finished up in the bay.
Thanks, Edward for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
Nice day on the water for a group from Idaho. Fun times had by all along with some quality rock cod for tonight’s meal.
Thanks, Arian for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
Great fishing early made up for an afternoon of wind for these guys from PA. All quality fish came over the rail for this group.
Thanks, Amanda for everything and choosing Coletta Sportfishing for your fishing adventure!
For more daily reports please visit our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/colettasportfishing
Come join us for the best Summer fishing that San Diego can offer!
Again, don’t forget to take a moment and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be free!
Tight Lines,
Captain Chris